

From the Folks Who Created It

Easier Ecom with the Marketing Baked In!

A few years ago, after we had both cut our teeth by marketing for the world’s biggest brands and retailers, it dawned on us that the people who really needed our help were the struggling small biz indies we knew and loved.

In the age of Amazon, eCommerce would have to be the solution, but so many indie sellers, side-hustle artisans and cottage industries were finding the costs of setting-up-shop too high and DIY too complicated.

So we had an idea: we would design an eCommerce platform especially for The Little Guys - something weirdly easy to use and super affordable (with no hidden costs). Most importantly, it would come WITH MARKETING BAKED IN.

To PoasterBoard, we’d bring the marketing expertise we’d gained by working for behemoths like Walmart, Target, Coke & P&G and put it to work for real indie businesses however small.

How PoasterBoard Works Better

You don’t need an online store that sits. You need one that SELLS. But most scrappy entrepreneurs never went to school for marketing. That’s why our marketing know-how is spliced into PoasterBoard’s DNA at every turn.

Your Best CustomersBaked Into PoasterBoard


People who are actually searching for a store like yours or the items you sell are obvious targets. And SEO is how you reach them online. 

Poaster Poaster

Sure, every description you create - of your StoreFront and inventory - fuels your SEO priority. But the more often you use your Poaster marketing tool to share a promotion or a Poastable, the more you’ll increase your search engine visibility.

Social Advocates

People who engage with you on Social Media are prime “Buy Now” prospects, but they’re also influencers who can raise awareness of our unique Shop Small platform. 

PoasterBoard Shopper App

Our Shopper app fast tracks verified shopping on your Storefront, but it's also THE resource for fresh memes. From hilarious snark to timely POV (and a few deep thoughts), our Poastables feed is a viral driver on social.


It’s easier to convince a current customer to spend more or buy more often than it is to convince a new customer to buy anything at all.

My List Builder

PoasterBoard automatically captures and organizes contact information from every shopper on your StoreFront. With the click of a button, you can email them with upsell offers, promotions and product news.


If you’re a brick & mortar indie who also sells online, hound your locals! These are the folks who know about you, live in your neighborhood, and have a vested interest in your success.

Digital Coupons & Location Filtering

With the optional Today’s Offer digital coupon, neighborhood stores can drive trial and traffic. At the same time, location filtering raises your visibility with any relevant local search.

We Welcome Comparison!

For the small indie business, Amazon is notoriously expensive and complicated. Amazon is in the business of selling Amazon. Lowest price wins - and there’s little reward for your quality, attention-to-detail and real world pricing.


Shopify, too, can be overwhelming - particularly for small businesses that also operate a brick and mortar store. Yes, Shopify will help you build an online presence, but the DIY is extensive. The learning curve is steep. And you may get a web address, but how will shoppers find it?


Etsy's listing and transaction fees, plus the monthly charge, add up fast. And there are strict rules about what you can sell. PoasterBoard’s low monthly subscription cost is FLAT. We never nickle & dime you. And we make it easy to both sell AND market anything [legal] on our platform.


By limiting your StoreFront to up to 31 offers at any one time, we are built especially for small. We make what you sell as accessible (to Shoppers) as possible. More importantly, we maximize the impact of your offerings with a baked-in suite of weirdly easy, 1-click marketing tools.

Why just wait for shoppers to find you when PoasterBoard helps bring the game to them!

No obligation.No credit card required to start.